M | A | R | K Hotel Belgrade is completely new hotel built upon the latest hospitality trends MARK Hotel Belgrade is located in the heart of the capital on 1 or 2 minutes walking distance from the landmark Palace BelgradeMARK Hotel Belgrade is located near the roundabout of Slavija Square and boulevards of the inner city The main pedestrian and shopping zone Knez Mihailova Street is located just 2 minutes away by foot while it takes 20 minutes to get to the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport by carwww.markhotelbelgrade.com
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M | A | R | K Hotel Belgrade is completely new hotel built upon the latest hospitality trends MARK Hotel Belgrade is located in the heart of the capital on 1 or 2 minutes walking distance from the landmark Palace BelgradeMARK Hotel Belgrade is located near the roundabout of Slavija Square and boulevards of the inner city The main pedestrian and shopping zone Knez Mihailova Street is located just 2 minutes away by foot while it takes 20 minutes to get to the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport by carmarkhotelbelgrade.com
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