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Digital Culture & Society | Digital Culture & Society is a refereed international journal fostering discussion about how digital technologies platforms and applications reconfigure daily lives and practicesdigicults.org
Elektrotransfer -Inkooporganisatie voor installatiebedrijvenelektrotransfer.nl
NestIOr: The Decline and Death of International Organisations (NestIOr)www.nestior.eu
Dohmen Kroniek | Tussen Aken en Roermond door Jo Dohmenwww.dohmen.biz
Klussenbedrijf Apeldoorn | Klussen- en Schildersbedrijf Nijenhuiswww.tonnijenhuis.nl
Contemporary Security Policy – At the nexus of proof and policy we have published research on armed violence intervention and conflict resolution since 1980 Impact factor: 2640 (rank #29/94 International Relations)contemporarysecuritypolicy.org