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Plateforme découte interactive du Centre communautaire récréatif Saint-Jean-Baptiste - Centre communautaire récréatif Saint-Jean-Baptistewww.ccrsjb-tv.ca
Sankey Lecture Series in Masonic Studies | This annual lecture series is named in honour of R W Bro Charles A Sankey 1905-2009 Dr Sankey served as Chancellor of Brock University from 1969 to 1974 A renowned Masonic scholar he was active in all the concordant bodies of Masonry including the Ancient amp Accepted Scottish Rite the Royal Order of Scotland and Royal Arch Masons His extensive collection of rare Masonic books and papers is in the Special Collections of the James Gibson Library at Brock providing a rich resource for research scholars and studentssankeylectures.ca
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Agritech Ramp-Up Pilot Program – Supporting the growth of BC’s **ritech sector through the provision of cohort-based business support programagritechrampup.ca