Rally Comrades! - Voice of the Le**ue of Revolutionaries for a New AmericaRally Comrades! | Voice of the Le**ue of Revolutionaries for a New Americarallycomrades.lrna.org
Using LinkedIn in High School: Tips & Techniques • LinkedIn to Collegelinkedintocollege.com
Rally Comrades - Voice of the Le**ue of Revolutionaries for a New AmericaRally Comrades | Voice of the Le**ue of Revolutionaries for a New Americarallycomrades.org
Web3 Portfolio » I spent sixteen years in my first career as a Sports Business Leader for the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey club As a hobby I began to study blockchain technology and Web3 culture I used 'The Modern Dodo' as my pen name or alter ego during that time Now a new career is upon me I'm leading Innovation & Technology for Murphy Family Enterprises The Modern Dodo has become a large part of my daily work This is where my worlds collide -- Sports Business meets Web3themoderndodo.com