CASUALTIES OF WAR      nothing is going the way it should and this anxiety is sending my heart into disorder
    the power of the king will isolate you                PRODIGIUM
  ADIEU    for n**isa kaworu            hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man
When did I say that I would save you?       OBLIVION    for
  PIECES OF A DREAM            a tribute to athrun zala and kira yamato
  ( Revenant )               humans are things which humans made
                     C H E E R F U L sensibility            sohma * M O M I J I           
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  WAR and PEACE      the pride in our hearts guides us
  ~ a gentle promise ~                   fields of hope fanlisting
Rottweiler | Rottweiler Publication | Rottweilers | The Rottweiler Chronicle | Rottweiler breeders | The Premiere online source for everything about the
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