The Faces of Davenport: Yesterday & Today – Since 1933 Davenport College (referred to as D’Port by its residents) has been the collegiate household of people such as George Bush (Sr and W) Stephen Schwarzman and Samantha Power Currently Davenport holds the Gimbel Cup (awarded to the Residential College with the best overall aver**e GPA) and the Sheffield Prize Cup (awarded to the Residential College with the highest standing in scholarship in science mathematics and engineering) D’Port’s the only Residential College to ever earn all three Cups in the same year–the Gimbel the Sheffield Prize and the Tyng Cup (for highest standing in intramural sports)–and this was just three years **o So what awesome things are happening in Davenport this week?
NeDICC | Network of Data and Information Curation
K-Connect! – Connecting All Things
Truth Lies and In Between | “Every time I let the government make a choice for me I give up a little more of my freedom I become more dependent and reliant on government to man**e my life I am right where the Socialists want me to be – perpetually dependent on them” -JD
Prentenkabinet Raf Coorevits – Het ‘Prentenkabinet Raf Coorevits’ ontsluit aan de hand van nieuwe prenten het leven het werk en de technieken van Raf Coorevits Bij elke prent hoort een video die een selectie werken presenteert of toont hoe de kunstenaar werkt Raf Coorevits (°1934) woont en werkt in
RGPH5 ML – Recencement général de la population et de l'
Asia Children Education Association – ACEA is a registered Charity (Charity No91/12329)
ALEUP – Asociacion Latinoamericana de Escuelas de Urbanismo y
cyrzbib – Cyrille Jaouan Bibliothécaire #bib2paris @durasbib le jour médiation & faire numérique la nuit Vous pouvez me croiser ici @labenbib ou là @BiblioFab #Hom**o #impression3d
Ada Initiative 2011–2015 | A former not-for-profit which supported women in open technology and culture through events codes of conduct and ally skills
The Camp Of The Saints | DISPATCHES FROM THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS [Still a DHS-Certified Rightwing Extremist / White House Certified 'Fishy' / Carter-Certified Raaaaacist! / Kafir but now also: a Cog in the Imperialist Capitalist Ableist Hetero-Normative Patriarchal White-Supremacist Machine] Now banned in
GPJA's Blog | Global Peace and Justice
Dr Robert Owens Chronicles the History of the Future | The future slides into the present the present slides into the past our lives are the history of the
Apuntes de demografía | Julio Pérez Díaz CSIC Estudios de población y análisis demográ
CogViM | the cognitive grounding of visual
kay me – All the latest from the kay me team in
Giovanna Massarotto – Memento Audere Semper (Remember to Always Dare)
Winifredd's Blog « Justice and Peace – Issues and
Conselho para a Produtividade – Página do Conselho para a Produtividade criado com o intuito de acompanhar o desempenho das políticas públicas na área da produtividade e reforçar a discussão pública e alargada sobre o tema a nível nacional e
Cashflow mit Dividende – Ich zeige auf diesem Blog meine Anl**estrategie bei welcher der Cashflow mit Dividenden im Vordergrund
Bovidiva – Passionate about sustainability and livestock production dedicated to giving farmers and food industry stakeholders the data and mess**es to explain why we do what we do every single
Blog AEET – Blog de la Asociación española de Ecología Terrestre (AEET)
Anand Prakash's thoughts on Entrepreneurship Technology and Company Building – Anand Prakash is a serial entrepreneur He has built multiple products and companies He has worked a top notch companies like LinkedIn Dropbox and Verizon He regularly writes about Entrepreneurship Technology and Company
Vortex Optical Coatings – Visible and Infrared Filters Linear Variable Filters and Anti-Reflective Coatings manufactured in the UK with short lead times and competitive