مدونة التعليم بوخشم مريم – مدونة التعليم بوخشم مريم تهتم بمساعدة التلميذ على المراجعة من خلال نشرها للمراجعات و الملخصات و الدروس و الاختبارات نحن لا ندعي التميز لكن نحاول ان نكون الافضلwww.meriem-educ.com
CARVISION DZ – Média spécialisé dans le monde de l'automobilewww.carvision.dz
Almaahed International – Almaahed Pro International company includes a langu**e school a training center and a translation office It aims to deliver quality training and education for the largest population mainly youth in an outstanding ped**ogy through a professional as well as a humane exceptional experiencealmaahed.com
Khelwi store – une boutique en ligne spécialisée dans la vente d'accessoires pour les activités outdoor et d'aventurekhelwi-store.com
MRFT - Mediterranean Register of Fitness Trainers | an independent register of instructors trainers and teachers working in the Mediterranean fitness and physical activity sectormrft.org