⋆ THE ADARNA - JET CITY ROCK ⋆ Seattle-based international touring band They are the first band to coin their genre of "Jet City Rock!" The group consists of lead vocalist & guitarist William Perry Moore bassist Oliver Spencer and drummer Murdock #TheAdarna #JetCityRock #Adarnatheadarna.com
Kinexcare - Innovative Effective and Affordable Health Carekinexcare.com
Periódico Logos – Periódico LOGOS es el órgano oficial de información y formación Católica de publicación mensual en la Diócesis de Culiacán de San Joséperiodicologos.org
⋆ THE ADARNA - JET CITY ROCK ⋆ Seattle-based international touring band They are the first band to coin their genre of "Jet City Rock!" The group consists of lead vocalist & guitarist William Perry Moore bassist Oliver Spencer and drummer Murdock #TheAdarna #JetCityRock #Adarnawww.theadarna.com
Vida City Church Houston - Houston Texas - Pastor JR Rodriguezvidacch.org