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Vinsign | homep**e with D-Day Overlord June 6 The longest day La Pointe du Hoc Invasion Jour J Die Invasion Normandie Normandy Normandie 1944 Normandy 1944 June 6 1944 6 juni 1944 Colleville St Mere Eglise Carentan Omaha Utah Sword Juno Gold Landung in der Normandie US 82 division 101 division Sgt Rex Potts Bernhard Loo James Rudder Caen Caen 1944 Carentan 1944 St Mere Eglise 1944 Pointe du Hoc 1944 2nrd Rangers Pointe du Hoe Vinsign Vinsigns WWii signs Bob Meijer Panneau Michelin Plaque Michelin Poteau Michelin Borne michelin John Reed Normandy beach bunker Authentic signs Vint**e sign Repro sign Old signs Wooden signs Vint**e sign Vint**e naambord Houten sign Bar Tabac Tabac sign Paneau tabac sign repro D-Day Overlord June6 The longest day La Pointe du Hoc Invasion Jour J Die Invasion Normandie Normandy Normandie 1944 Normandy 1944 June 6 1944 6 juni 1944 Colleville St Mere Eglise Carentan Omaha Utah Sword Juno Gold