I am traffic | "I'm not stuck in traffic I am traffic" participation social change entrepreneurship organizations and movements technologygeorgeroter.org
Software Walker | examining the unexamined life of softwaresoftwarewalker.com
Yellow Dr**on a mission to repurpose existing ideas into new ideas | utilizing a commercial spacecraft as an atmospheric probe delivery systemyellowdragonblog.com
Encan de Hull – Encan en ligne en Outaouais pour des trouvailles vint**es et pour collections Online auction in Outaouais for vint**e finds and collectiblesencanhull.com
Crowdfunding India – Blog on success stories of crowdfunding in India | Crowdfunding India | Online Fundraising | Crowdfunding sites for India | Crowdfunding platforms in Indiacrowdfundinginindia.com
Saint-Romain au Mont d'Or 2014 | Toute l'histoire de Saint Romain au Mont d'Or passée présente et à venirsaintromain2014.com
WORLD ZEN ART CENTER | World Zen Art Center is a non-profit organization registered in New York State with the purpose of studying Zen Tao art Our ambition is to develop international Zen Tao art and maintain its continued prosperityworldzenart.org
World Against Racism – Building united movements worldwide **ainst racism and fascismworldagainstracism.org
Factory Joe – This can all be made better Ready? Beginfactoryjoe.com
Philippe Rochot / Report**es pour mémoire – Report**es et Témoign**es: " La mémoire ne filme pas Elle photographie (Milan Kundera)philipperochot.com
2 Warps to Neptune | Surveying the Gen X landscape and the origins of geek2warpstoneptune.com
Thar She Blows! – "To wander aimlessly is very un-swinging" ~ Paul McCartneyorcaflotta.blog
Learn Polymer Clay – Inspiring you to explore your creativity and get down to work! A great collection of Free Polymer Clay tutorialslearnpolymerclay.blog
Isabelle Cheren – A virtual world blog showing the reality behind Second Life and Sansar VR worldsisabellecsite.com
I Write Her – my humanity in written formiwriteher.com